About the Library


Get Involved

Friends of the Plain City Public Library
Thanks to the generosity and support of our communities, the Plain City Public Library has been able to conduct many of the services currently available. With your help we will continue to provide material and programs for all ages. A number of our local businesses and civic organizations such as the Friends of the Plain City Public Library also provide much needed support. The Friends of the Plain City Public Library is a membership volunteer organization committed to helping the Library with service goals through fundraisers and event assistance. The Friends of the Library provide a fun and easy way for individuals to serve the library community. Becoming a Friend of the Library is simple! Just follow the link below to become a member. For individuals looking to be even more actively involved, the Friends hold monthly meetings at the Library to brainstorm new fundraising ideas and programs. Watch the Library’s event calendar for meeting times and dates.

Gifts and Donations
Please consider a tax deductible donation that will benefit generations to come. The Plain City Public Library gladly welcomes a variety of donations including:

  • Monetary contributions
  • Memorial gifts
  • Items from the Library’s “wish list”
  • Adoption program donations

Contributions may be dropped off at the library anytime during regular operating hours. Due to storage space restrictions, the library is no longer accepting book and DVD donations.

The Plain City Public Library can always use a helping hand. There are a number of volunteer opportunities available for all ages and skills. The following is a list of current skill sets needed at the library:

  • Dusting and general cleaning
  • Cleaning movie and music discs
  • Garden project maintenance
  • Program preparation
  • Technology/computer skills

To begin volunteering at the Library, please complete the Volunteer Application below. The library welcomes adults looking to help the library on a long term basis and students wishing to complete volunteer hours for school, scouts, or other civic requirements. Though staff will try to work with time restrictions and deadlines, the library cannot always guarantee work to meet last minute community service requirements.

Meeting Rooms

The library’s meeting room is available for use by non-profit groups or organizations which have a cultural, educational, or civic purpose. There is no charge for the use of the space.

Please read our complete Meeting Room Policy before reserving meeting space at the library.

The library’s meeting rooms are currently closed to the public.

Contact Our Staff

Circulation Desk
Mary Ball, Circulation and Collection Support Manager
614-873-4912, ext. 121

Request library material, account & general library information

Reference and Information
Luke Powers, Adult Services Librarian
614-873-4912, ext. 130

Research, general reference questions

Youth Services
Amanda Warner, Assistant Director
614-873-4912, ext. 131

Youth program information and reference

Drive-up Window
614-873-4912, ext. 126

Call for information about Drive-up Window holds pickup and services

Fiscal Office
Sharon Berry, Fiscal Officer
614-873-4912, ext. 122

Notary services by appointment

Director’s Office
Chris Long, Library Director
614-873-4912, ext. 123

Library planning and administration